Mass Brewers Guild Seeks Board Candidates!

Members of the Mass Brewers Guild (MBG) board of directors are volunteers that serve to further the work of the association and its mission -- to protect and promote the interests of Massachusetts craft brewers.

Unlike many nonprofit boards that serve to advise the organization’s staff, MBG board members also have to serve as staff, and work on behalf of the organization to deliver the created objectives and goals. With the support of only one full-time staff member, board members spend an average of 10 to 25 hours a month working on the MBG’s initiatives -- depending on the project or work cycle.

The guild board of directors currently holds nine seats, five of which are up for election in December 2022.

After serving as the MBG’s President for four years, and serving on the board of directors for a total of six years, Rob Burns, co-founder of Night Shift has termed out of his position with the MBG.

Since taking office, Rob has played an integral role in reshaping the MBG’s programs, initiatives and the craft beer community in Massachusetts. Rob hired the MBG’s first fulltime executive director, attracted new directors to its board, oversaw the organization’s rebrand, attracted new members to the guild, helped return the guild to being profitable, and was a driving force behind achieving franchise law reform for the association.

Tara Heath, Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel at Boston Beer Corp. who has served two terms with the Mass Brewers Guild will not be re-running for her seat. Tara has been a champion of the MBG’s work since its inception, helping to draft the initial franchise law reform language that was filed in 2011, and continued to work on it until it was finally adopted into law in 2021.

We are incredibly grateful for Rob and Tara’s service, friendship and leadership over the years. As veteran board members, they will remain supportive and passionate guides to the board of directors when called upon for advice.

Adam Romanow, current MBG Vice President/ Treasurer and founder of Castle Island Brewing Co., Kelsey Roth, GM at Exhibit ‘A’ Brewing Co., and Chris Sellers, co-founder and head brewer at The Brewery at Four Star Farms will rerun for a two-year term (the 2023 to 2024 calendar year.)

The MBG’s board is seeking brewery owners and brewery staff to consider joining the nonprofit’s leadership team to help further its work by donating their time, expertise and passion for the industry.

The Mass Brewers Guild is now accepting resumes with a letter of intent detailing the goals and or changes that the candidates would like to help implement within the organization. The deadline for submission is Nov. 1 and all candidates will be expected to speak before membership at the winter member meetup on Dec. 5 at Barrel House Z in Weymouth.

Ideal candidates are those that are already involved in the organization – they regularly attend meetings, participate in the MBG’s festivals and fundraisers, and are visible members of the community. It will be important for the nominating committee to see a strong commitment from individuals wishing to have a seat on the board.

The board seeks to diversify its members and strengthen its geographical representation. They are looking for all areas of expertise -- from law to marketing, to fundraising, event planning and general leadership. The nominating committee will put forth candidates that demonstrate a willingness to work together on issues and help serve the craft beer community.

In December 2022, paid brewery members will have the opportunity to cast their vote to fill all five seats. If you are unsure of your membership standing with the MBG please reach out to the MBG’s executive director.

A committed and passionate board is essential to accomplishing the work of the Mass Brewers Guild. Now more than ever, it’s vital for a strong board and leadership team to help guide the Massachusetts craft beer community forward and serve as a unified voice when confronting all issues that impact the industry.

If you aren’t in a position to run for a seat this year, but are interested in joining the board in the near future, this is a good time to get involved! Many of our board members will begin “terming out,” meaning they are ineligible to rerun for a fourth consecutive term. By shadowing a board member, joining a committee, and learning more about how the MBG operates, you’ll be better poised to join our leadership team in the future. 

Those interested in joining the board can send their resume and cover letter to the MBG’s executive director, Katie Stinchon at for review.

In your cover letter please answer the following questions:

·      Why do you want to join the MBG’s board of directors?

·      Realistically, how much time you can dedicate to the organization a month?

·      Which committee you would like to donate your time to?

·      What major issues would you like to be involved in and how would you change them?

What’s expected of MBG Board Members? MBG Board Members Will:

·      Interpret the organization's work and values to the community, represent the organization, and act as a spokesperson

·      Listen carefully to board colleagues and members of the craft beer community

·      Respect the opinion of fellow board members

·      Respect and support majority decisions of the board

·      Recognize that all authority is vested in the full board only when it meets in legal sessions

·      Keep well-informed about developments relevant to issues that may come before the board

·      Attend bi-monthly board meetings (six a year – 1.5 hours long) and understand that they may be relieved of board duties if they miss more than two meetings

·      Actively participate in board meetings and actions

·      Become actively involved in at least one committee – driving goals and accomplishing tasks – (Marketing, Events, Government Affairs, and Membership)

·      Support MBG events and initiatives through participation

·      Bring to the attention of the board any issues that will have an adverse effect on the organization or those we serve

·      Refer complaints to the proper level on the chain of command

·      Recognize that the job of a board member is to ensure that the organization is well-managed, not to manage the nonprofit

·      Represent all of those whom this nonprofit serves, not just a particular geographic area or interest group

·      Consider yourself a “trustee” of the nonprofit and do your best to ensure that it is well-maintained, financially secure, growing and always operating in the best interests of those we serve

·      Declare conflicts of interest between your personal life and position on the board, and abstain from voting or discussion when appropriate


MBG Board Members Will Not:

·      Criticize fellow board members or their opinions, in or out of the board room

·      Use the nonprofit organization for your personal advantage or that of your friends or relatives

·      Discuss the confidential proceedings of the board outside the board room

·      Interfere with the duties of the administrator or undermine the administrator’s authority with staff


As a board member, the organization is responsible to you in the following ways:

·      To keep its board members regularly updated on the organizational activities, programs, policies, goals and objectives as appropriate

·      It is expected that board members and the Executive Director will respond in a straightforward fashion to questions that are necessary to carry out fiscal, legal and moral responsibilities to the organization

·      If the organization does not fulfill its commitments, board members may call upon the Board President and E.D. to discuss the organization’s responsibilities

·      The organization will carry directors’ and officers’ liability insurance


Mass Brewers Guild Technical Brewing & Business Conference Returns to Jack’s Abby Craft Lagers on Monday, Nov. 7


Six Pack Questionnaire Series: The Brewery at Four Star Farms