associate MEMBERSHIP
Thank you for your interest in becoming an associate member of the Massachusetts Brewers Guild (MBG). The MBG is the state’s trade association made up of passionate craft brewers and industry professionals. Since 2007, the nonprofit has worked to protect the interests of craft brewers at a state level while also creating a unified community of brewers and craft beer enthusiasts across the Commonwealth.
By becoming an associate member of the MBG you are joining the craft beer family in its mission to spread good beer. Membership dues and sponsorships are the financial base of what makes this organization grow and thrive. Our reach can only extend as far as our resources.
To date, there are more than 200 active breweries across the Commonwealth, and an additional 15 breweries are slated to open in 2024. Through industry and educational events, its mobile application beer trail map, and by providing resources and marketing support to brewers, the nonprofit works to highlight Massachusetts as a top travel destination for craft beer in the U.S. The board also continues its work at the legislative level serving as the voice of craft brewers on Beacon Hill. The MBG is a registered 501(c)(6) organization.
Dear Valued Industry Leader:
Please find below the associate member sponsorship levels for consideration. Membership dues run on a rolling basis. All membership levels will have access to our quarterly membership meetings for networking and socializing.
We welcome discussion of potential partnerships and sponsorships that are not suggested or offered below. Please contact the MBG's executive director, Katie Stinchon, at or (508) 405-9115 to make arrangements.
We are grateful for your contribution to the MBG which works to promote and protect craft brewers so that they can focus on what really matters – making world-class beer!
The MBG Board of Directors
Associate Membership Inclusions and Pricing
✓ Named leading sponsor of ONE of the Massachusetts Brewers Guild’s Beer Festival(s)
✓ Table offered at Mass Brewers Guild Festival
✓ Logo representation at ONE Mass Brewers Guild Festival
✓ Name or logo featured on all press materials, fliers and collateral materials for Mass Brewers Guild Festival
✓ Promotion through traditional and social media
✓ Featured on the organization’s weekly blog
✓ Recognized in the organization's newsletter with information about your company/industry
✓ Twenty tickets to ONE Mass Brewers Guild Festival
✓ Recognition on the Mass Brewers Guild website
✓ Availability to table and network at two of the Mass Brewers Guild’s seasonal social meet ups, along with a short speaking presentation
✓ Granted entrance to all Mass Brewers Guild member meetings
✓ Receive the Mass Brewers Guild newsletter and e-communications for updates and industry information
✓ Included in the MBG’s preferred vendor list
✓ Name or logo featured on all press materials, fliers and collateral materials for ONE Mass Brewers Guild Festival
✓ Promotion through traditional and social media
✓ Featured on the organization’s weekly blog
✓ Recognized in the organization’s newsletter with information about your company/industry Logo representation at ONE Mass Brewers Guild Festival
✓ Ten tickets to ONE Mass Brewers Guild Festival
✓ Recognition on the Mass Brewers Guild website
✓ Availability to table and network at two of the Mass Brewers Guild’s seasonal social meet ups, along with a short speaking presentation
✓ Granted entrance to all Mass Brewers Guild member meetings
✓ Receive the Mass Brewers Guild newsletter and e-communications for updates and industry information
✓ Included in the MBG’s preferred vendor list
✓ Promotion through traditional and social media
✓ Featured on the organization’s weekly blog✓ Recognized in the organization’s newsletter with information about your company/industry
✓ Logo representation at ONE Mass Brewers Guild Festival
✓ Six tickets to ONE Mass Brewers Guild Festival
✓ Recognition on the Mass Brewers Guild website
✓ Availability to table and network at one of the Mass Brewers Guild’s social meet ups, along with a short speaking presentation
✓ Granted entrance to all Mass Brewers Guild member meetings
✓ Receive the Mass Brewers Guild newsletter and e-communications for updates and industry information
✓ Included in the MBG’s preferred vendor list
✓ Promotion through traditional and social media
✓ Recognized in the organization’s newsletter with information about your company/industry
✓ Four tickets to ONE Mass Brewers Guild Festival
✓ Recognition on the Mass Brewers Guild website
✓ Availability to table and network at one of the Mass Brewers Guild’s social meet ups, along with a short speaking presentation
✓ Granted entrance to all Mass Brewers Guild member meetings
✓ Receive the Mass Brewers Guild newsletter and e-communications for updates and industry information
✓ Included in the MBG’s preferred vendor list
✓ Promotion through traditional and social media
✓ Recognized in the organization’s newsletter with information about your company/industry
✓ Two tickets to ONE Mass Brewers Guild Festival
✓ Recognition on the Mass Brewers Guild website
✓ Granted entrance to all Mass Brewers Guild member meetings
✓ Receive the Mass Brewers Guild newsletter and e-communications for updates and industry information
✓ Included in the MBG’s preferred vendor list
✓ Promotion through traditional and social media
✓ Two tickets to ONE Mass Brewers Guild Festival✓ Recognition on the Mass Brewers Guild website
✓ Granted entrance to all Mass Brewers Guild member meetings
✓ Receive the Mass Brewers Guild newsletter and e-communications for updates and industry information
✓ Included in the MBG’s preferred vendor list