More than 150 Brewers Came Together For Learning, Networking and The Love of Good Beer.

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Knowledge sharing is what makes the craft beer industry special and sets us a part from other industries. It’s amazing to see colleagues and friends jumping in to help a fellow brewer in need – lending cans, ingredients and advice. 

Despite our numbers -- now 188 breweries across the Commonwealth – our industry is still young. We are still converting and educating macro beer drinkers, and working to keep consumers drinking and loving craft beer.

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Continuing our education, sharing what we know, and attending events like MBG Con ensures that MA Beer will always have the highest quality standards possible..  

The MBG’s second annual conference drew 150 attendees to Jack's Abby Craft Lagers and helped to raise $10,000 for our association. These are crucial funds to aid our organization’s work -- to protect and promote the interests of craft brewers. 


Our voice carries the most weight on Beacon Hill when we are unified. When we are all working together for a common goal. We are currently working to combat decades old franchise laws, to achieve selling rights at farmers’ markets, to expand brew pub rights for self-distribution, and are working to keep our seasonal beer gardens. 


A huge thanks to everyone who contributed to the event's success by speaking, sending your colleagues and staff to learn, and/or financially supporting the event. It’s a real team effort to pull together an afternoon of learning and knowledge sharing.

We raise a glass to the Hendler brothers and the entire staff at Jack's Abby Craft Lagers for hosting, to our MBG Con Committee – Jeremy Cross, from Jack’s Abby Craft Lagers, Maureen Fabry, from CraftRoots Brewing Co., Chris Sellers from The People’s Pint and Kelsey Roth from Exhibit ‘A’ Brewing Co., as well as event support from Christine Healy at Craft'd Events, Ryan Daigle from Wachusett Brewing Co., and Adam Romanow from Castle Island Brewing Co. 
And last and certainly not least thank you to leading sponsor Bernstein Shur,and supporting sponsors, ABS Commercial, Acadia, Bowditch & Dewey, BrewWizzClick InsuranceCraft'd CompanyDWS Printing AssociatesEastern Standard ProvisionsFat Basset DesignFour Star FarmsHub International InsuranceInTouch LabelsMassPayMicromatic, One Off Apparel, Patriot EnergyRochester Midland Corp. and Theilmann. 

These folks not only helped to make this event affordable for attendees but they are also members of the MBG. They care deeply about the craft beer industry, so please return the favor by checking out their services to see if they are fit for your needs. 

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Our friends at MassPay generously donated their video services throughout the day to capture all of the conference sessions. Those who purchased tickets to the event will have access to all of the day's workshops. If you did not attend the event, you will be able to purchase access to these video sessions. 

We can only improve with your feedback. If you attended the event please share your experience by completing this brief survey. Thanks for your time! 

Until next year!


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